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Knowing Your Vegetarian Food Groups
Healthy Serving Sizes
Meat Alternatives
Nutritionally Complete Vegetarian Diets
Reading Food Labels
Healthy Cooking Methods
What are GMOs?
Organic Foods
Fat Facts

All food can be classified into different food groups, and this is important as it assists us with eating a healthy, balanced diet. The sole purpose of eating is for our bodies to receive:


  • Nutrients in order to grow and,

  • Energy to carry out daily functions


Firstly, we need to be familiar with food groups, as well as the number of servings from each food group we should aim to include on a daily basis.












Note: the following information should be used as a guideline for an average adult adopting a vegetarian diet.[1,2] Please consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist for individualised dietary advice.


To give you a better idea of what types of food fall under each good group, here are some examples of:


Grains and grain products:

Barley, bread, cereal, couscous, flour, noodles, oats, pasta, rice









Try to choose wholewheat and multi-grain options if available




Aparagus, bamboo shoots, beetroot, bok choy, brussel sprouts, bell peppers, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, green beanslettuce, mushrooms, peas, potato, pumpkinspinach, squash, sweet corn, sweet potato, zucchini









Try to include one green AND one orange-coloured vegetable everyday




Apple, apricot, banana, berries, cherries, figs, grapes, grapefruit, guava, kiwi, lychee, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, peach, pear, tomato, watermelon









Remember to include vitamin C-rich fruits



Meat substitutes and legumes: 

Beans, chickpeas, frozen vegetarian meat products, lentils, soya mince, tofu










Not only are these good sources of protein and dietary fibre, but they also keep for longer and are inexpensive compared to meat products



Nuts and seeds:

Almonds, cashew nuts, chestnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds/linseeds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecan nuts, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts













A mixed handful of these a day make a great snack or addition to your morning cereal or porridge



Dairy and eggs:

Cheese, eggs, milk and milk powders, soy milk, yoghurt










Try opting for low fat options where possible



Sugar, alcohol, fats and oils:

Sugar, alcoholic beverages, avocado pear, butter, canola oil, margarine, mayonnaiseolive oil












Limit sugar-rich foods and drinks; stick to your daily alcohol limit; limit butter, hard margarines, lard, shortening


  1. Mahan K, Escott-Stump S. Krause's Food & Nutrition Therapy. 12th ed. Saunders Elsevier; 2008.

  2. Health Canada. Canada's Food Guide. [cited 8 April 2016] . Available from:

The contents and links featured on is for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

To: Vegetarian Centre


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