From us to you, 歡迎 Welcome!
Foremost, we would like to express our warmest graditude to all our customers, both old and new friends, near and far for their loyal support throughout the many years to our humble little shop in Port Elizabeth.
We will go from strength to strength, seek continuous improvement in service delivery and expanding our product variety.
Above all, we will continue our business practice of maintaining the perfect balance between price and quality, and provide heartful sincere and honest advices to our customers.
"You have made it possible, thank you!"

The chinese character 誠 (cheng) within our logo signify our core values:
Sincerity, Honesty and Reliability
It is not only about the business.
Business puts food on the table, food provides energy and maintains our body. What about food for the soul, food for the mind, food for the conscience?
We decide to create a section on our website, delicated to these foods.
Food that uplift your spirit, your wisdom and your mental well-being.
We also call them - Cultivation of the heart.
We hope you will enjoy this section just as much as you are enjoying our products!
Be healthy, stay happy ;)